The life of a fully qualified SLT

The life of a fully qualified SLT

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

How do we keep on top of it all?!

Lately I've been distant from the blogging scene and the Twitter scene, and I wish I could say it was through no fault of my own, but things have just gotten very hectic!
Any qualified SLT knows what the last few months of their degree are like.. Writing the research proposal, being on a block placement, applying for jobs and then preparing for interviews offered (not that I am complaining about the interview part!) and keeping on top of other coursework/timetable demands.  Turns out my quote that I wrote in my guest blog on Smart Talkers for Libby was true... I am well and truly a Swan. So calm and graceful in the face of it all, yet paddling like mad underneath. Whilst I am able to keep a balance of all my coursework, research proposal, placement and job applications... I am disappointed that my blog and twitter have come 2nd best to all of this, and the reason why I'm disappointed is that it is my contact with other SLTs for some much needed empathy, and also my wide source of evidence base.  I recently looked through past tweets from some of my favourite SLT tweeters, and found I had missed so many news articles and recent research. 
This has really changed my view on how I promote Twitter and Blogging to SLTs, as many of you know that I like to promote SLTs using it.  However, when demands are high on a daily basis I wonder how easy it is.  Even I who love Twitter and Blogging have neglected it. 
So I have decided that at least once a week during this busy time I will log on to twitter, for 30 minutes maximum and search #slpeeps and #slt2b and #slp2b hashtags, identify any key links to news, blogs, or research. That will be my put-a-side dedicated online CPD time and I will make sure I squeeze this in, even if it's whilst I eat breakfast...
Keeping on top of your CPD in the face of life's demands.
How do you keep up with your CPD? How do you keep up with your online CPD networks? I would love to hear how others do it! Because in this busy climate, how do you really keep on top of it all?

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